Black Velvet Cowboy Style Hat
Size: Small
- Cowrie Shells
- Denim Wrapped In Copper
- Labradorite Crystals (3)
Healing Properties of Labradorite:
- Will help you accumulate positive energy. It will also seal your aura to prevent any energy leaks
- Will help you boost your abilities and promote spiritual growth
- Labradorite stone will sharpen your intuition and allow for good timing and decision making
- Will let happy coincidence and synchronicity flow in your life
- Labradorite will expand the reach of your six sense at the same time keeping you safe and grounded
- Will help you express yourself and feel more confident in your own body
Cowrie Shell Symbolism:
- Represents Goddess Protection
- Powerful & connected with the strength of the Ocean
- Power of desitny and prosperity
- an African female symbol; Worn around the hips, it is believed to increase fertility.
“The Healing Metal”
Excellent conductor of "inner g"
Has the ability to ground and transfer a wide array of vibrational frequencies from the spiritual into the physical
Any stone paired with copper, in or around it, is said to have its properties enhanced
- Opens and activates the Root and Sacral Chakras